Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 05 (1992)(Alchemist Research).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2 d*"5CODEb"
   2 d*"5CODEa"
   2 Telford","
   2 8 out of 10
   1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   1 which not only has a long name  but is an excellent `4 re-issue.It's an isometric 3D arcade typeadventure which coes complete   with excellent graphics and goodgameplay. The 
   1 thankyou.","","
   1 reminds me of those old sliding puzzle games and is justas infuriating. The graphics arenot the most important part of  the game but they are adequate  in any case. It is difficult butnone the less is probably the   pick of the puzzlers.
   1 d*"ALCHNEWS5"
   1 cost `1","
   1 after title
   1 `1.50","20 programs
   1 Write to the usual address, withSAE & blank tape
   1 Woodhouse","
   1 Wiltshire BA14 0NW","","
   1 WORKSOP 773684
   1 Until next time, Stephen Mullen
   1 UT34 Encoder/Decoder (108) 
   1 UT33 DLS (see pg 107) 
   1 UK TELEPHONE: 0742 697644","
   1 Trowbridge","
   1 This natty piece of code alters the edit system to that like the128 mode of editing lines.  The code is at 65023 and 120 bytes  long.  To turn it on, RAND USR  65123 and bring up a long line  into the editing window.  Now,  as you can move left and right, try moving up and down and you  will find it moves up a down a  line in that particular line.   Unfortunately, when EDIT is on, the clock goes off and vice     versa.","`"
   1 The Last Word","","
   1 That is also the address for thePD packs.",";","`"
   1 Tech. Sec.","","150  
   1 Summer prices still apply! Theseare as follows...","","Each program
   1 Still no contribution from      Doctor Dark yet, so it's up to  me to do this bit.","
   1 Stephen Mullen
   1 SpecSupport","1 Northolme Close","Grays","Essex","RM16 2NX","
   1 South Yorkshire","
   1 Software Reviews","","140  
   1 Silvianu Marin
   1 Shropshire TF7 5RJ
   1 Shropshire
   1 Set Clock","
   1 S13 7LN","
   1 Roy Musson
   1 Quest Software","
   1 PIN  SIGNAL                LEVEL
   1 PD PREMIER. Send it to us forPD but recieve 50% of all sales of it. It would retail at about 50p",
   1 Or, if you want to create a new million seller but have no ideasthen give us a call as we have  lots of plots and scenarios for you.  Write for more detals.
   1 OUTSIDE UK  : +44 742 697 644"
   1 ON - 65123
   1 OFF- 65133
   1 Neil Currie
   1 NOVEMBER 20th
   1 Multiface Matters","
   1 Most of this section will be    inconjunction with the AlchemistInto Europe section, to benefit our Romanian counterparts
   1 May I welcome you to the sectionof A.N. devoted to bringing you news of what's been happening inthe world of Spectrum games." , "Since AlchNews 4, full price    releases have been thin on the  ground. There was the European  football tie-in Gary Lineker    collection which featured four  second rate footbal games not   exactly setting the market      aliht! Some relief was provided by old stagers, Gremlin with a  decent  shoot em up called SpaceCrusade.",";","`"
   1 Market your Program","
   1 Main Menu","","101  
   1 Madeley","
   1 Joyce Cook","
   1 It's such a shame that there    aren't more utilities for the   multiface.  It's 8k RAM is      plentiful for utiliies like fontcreators etc.
   1 If you'd like a FREE            advertisment page then just     write down the wording and send it in. No big names please if   you can afford a two page spreadin a daily newspaper!
   1 Hi to Allie, Dave L, Dave B, ZATall the writers, all the        Romanans, all customers of APD  and all connected with Alch Res.
   1 Great Britain",
   1 Graeme Souness SoccerManager
   1 Games from 50p POST PAID!","`"
   1 GA08 Santa Claus (Blitz)   
   1 Front Ends & News","","110  
   1 FO14 Moon Runes (hobbit)   
   1 F. Shillito, 64 Pennyholme CloseKiveton Park, SHEFFIELD S31 8PT
   1 Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters
   1 Don't forget, if we don't have  it, ASK! I can make up any font you require and don't forget    about the Adventure Service, formore details see the Adventue   section.","`"
   1 Don't forget the FREE font and  character set service!
   1 Dedicated to the memory of John
   1 Copy screen to Printer","`"
   1 Check out the recent S.U. for   the ~FUSSLOAD~ program.  It     needs a bit of modification to  make it run on the Disciple     multiface (Version 3C), but it'snot bad.","
   1 Bytes Free","
   1 Ayrshire KA15 1EL
   1 As you will know, AlchNews is   only available on tape, but can but can be very easily modified to your disk type by altering   the syntax in lines 9998 and    9999.  But soon, we hope to be  able to provide A.N. on 5.25~,  3.5~ and microdrive.  3.5~ +D   owners can either get their tapefrom me as usual or buy it on   disk from the AlchNews +D Disk  Editor: 
   1 Any old Quills?","
   1 Also available is a program     scrambler which can encode upto 5k of basic into a machine code file which can only be unlocked to basic with the decoder       program.  It costs `1 from the  usual address and usual postal  conditions apply.  The duo      available are VERSION ONE.  V2  will be available soon and      feature a password system to    decode correctly and will be    FREE to owners of V1.","`"
   1 Alchemist Research","
   1 Alchemist PD","","115  
   1 AlchNews back issues 1-4 are    available for 20p each.  Just   write Alchnews (issueno.) when  ordering.","","  
   1 Advertisements & Contacts","","159  
   1 Adventures","","130  
   1 Advance 10 pages","
   1 AV10 Test Card             
   1 AN5CB     T
   1 AN5CA     y
   1 ALCHNEWS5 !j
   1 A.R. in Europe","","120  
   1 A very big thankyou to everyone who has bought some programs    from Alchemist PD.  We have beenonly open a month and the       response has been marvellous,   especially from new readers who are subscribing to AlchNews for the first time.  If you are new,then join the other readers and make a regular subscription to  AlchNews and send a tape and SAEto s now!
   1 ;" Bytes free left **":
   1 ;"     ";(65536
   1 62 Tithe Barn Lane","
   1 3D angle is a welltrodden road but still works as well as ever. The object of the game is simple-",";","`"
   1 33 Dursley Road","
   1 20p","10 programs
   1 20 GOTO 10
   1 16 Montgomery Avenue","
   1 103 Chiltern Gardens","
   1 10","","and finally 
   1 10 Westerkirk Drive","
   1 10 PRINT ~HELLO~","
   1 0742 697644
   1 .The difference between  this and the other millions of  its type is that you must have asoft perm and moustache to play!Only joking(or am I?).",";","`"
   1 .   David is also on the lookout fornew adventures to market.","","
   1 ,avariant of the Tetris genre.Thisis one of the better efforts.It is based on a very simple theme which involves moving various   symbols around a screen in the  hope of matching the symbols.",";","`"
   1 , a new software producer which is due  to launch its' first title. The proud prop. is Robert Frosdick  who also sells PD game packs at very reasonable rates. The firstcommercial release is a businessgame in which you could either  make a million or end up totallypenniless. They hope to be able to commission and release games for the Spec and are willing to pay `50 for promising software",";","`"
   1 , a great user to user  modem transfer package.  Connectup two Spectrums with VTX5000's.Load up Dialsoft on both        machines.  Switch the switches  to TX and dial your friend!     It communicates with the other  at 1200 baud. Thats 150 bytes   per second to us! (Or 1k every  6 seconds).  Chat or send progs upto 48k to each other.  A full 48k woud only be about 15p localcheap rate call!  Saves on post and all that time waiting!  PD  programs are available via      Dialsoft if you want them quick!","`"
   1 ,   which was all in Romanian!      I would like to thank all for   writing to me!  If you would    like a contact in Eastern Europethen read on for more detals...",";","`"
   1 ** SET CLOCK**
   1 ** SAVE / LOAD **
   1 ** NEW EDIT **
   1 ** CHECK MEM **
   1 * PD SOFTWARE","
   1 * MEMBER OF ~ISSUE~","
   1 * FREE HELP","
   1 * FREE FONTS","
   1 * FORTHCOMING B.B.","
   1 (TP+H)+" ":
   1 "hobBIT"," ","The magazine is A4 size and     printed in colour.  It caters   mostly for Spectrums but there  is the odd Amiga ad, PC review  and a couple of pokes for the   C64.  It's excellent value for  money and even though it's in   Romanian, you can figure out theM/C listings and pokes with     ease!  There are a few technicalsections, including a section   called 
   1 "ZAT"," ","THE Sam / Spectrum fanzine. It'sthe only one I read!  Full of   news, reviews, features, techhieadvice and my columns!  ZAT     comes out every two months and  has hundreds of readers.  Write for prices to:","","
   1 "WANTED"," ","Alchemist PD have a few         adventures, but we'd like more, not only for PD, but to publish at full price.  We can offer    three ways of production:","","
   1 "WANTED"," ","+D interface for Grey Spectrum  +2.  Will buy or part exchange  for BRAND NEW VTX5000 Modem,    all communications software,    and Spectrum 128 keypad type    device ~Magic Button~.  Ring    
   1 "The Spectrum Scene.."," ","All Romanians seem to have 48k  Spectrums, and a VERY mixed     variety of games which they     depend on from here.  The games can be as new as Terminator 2   and as old as the Magic Knight  series like SpellBound and      Finders Keepers!  Both are as   popular as each other!  They    call their magazines 
   1 "TOP TEN PURCHASERS"," ","The bulk buyers of the month are","
   1 "TECH SEC."," ","In this issue...","","
   1 "Spectrum Video"," ","Many users write to me complain-ing about bad video signals.    The causes are vary varied, but the common is poor quality leadsand leads tangle together.  The co-ax should be as short as     possible and should NOT be near electrical cables.  It should bethick, lo-loss cable and I      suggest cleaning all metal      contacts.  I suggest using cablemade for satellite connections  and use gold phono & UHF plugs  if you can get them",";","`"
   1 "Spectrum Video (2)"," ","Also, if you can, put your      cable from the computer into    your video recorder.  The video processor inside the video      should ~clean~ the signal.","128 owners have the chance to   switch to a monitor signal.  If you don't have a monitor, just  connect it into the VIDEO IN on your video recorder and switch  on the video and select your    ~video channel~.  Wiring connec-tions are not so easy, but I'll give ful details next time.     Until then, I'll leave you a    pin chart.",";","`"
   1 "Spectrum Scene (2)"," ","Post takes about 7 days to reachthere and a first class letter  costs 28p.  A small 1/2 A4 size parcel with cassette and five   page A4 letter would cost 61p,  but beware as small packages    sometimes need customs          examination so you have to      declare on a little label whats in the package.","The exchange rate is about 685  LEI to `1.  Their stamps vary   from 10-70L and 
   1 "SPECTRUM SOFTWARE HIRE"," ","Sick of being ripped off by     software houses who secretly    snigger at Spectrums?  Want to  play a classic game?  Want to   review the latest games &       utilities for AlchNews without  actually buying them? Yes? Then join the Spectrum Software Hire Club.  Send an SAE for the new  catalogue to:","
   1 "SPECTRUM BB"," ","Hopefully, when I get my +D     interface, I'll be setting up a small scale bulletin board for  Spectrum & Sam users, running atV23bis (1200/75) so all you     VTX'ers can use it!  It will    probabally be viewdata and      should have 832k of memory,     using the 48k of RAM, 64k       Ramdisk and 720k of +D disk.    I could even struggle and get   8k out of the multiface and     16k from the +D, making it 856k!More details soon!","`"
   1 "SPECTRUM +2 MONITOR SOCKET"," ","7     6                            8                            3     1                          5   4                             2","","
   1 "QUEST SOFTWARE"," ", "Run by my old friend David      Ledbury who actually took me    under the wing of ZAT!  David   runs a Sam/Spectrum adventure   software house with such games  like the terrifying 
   1 "PROBLEM"," ","Every so often, you will find   that in the top 1/3rd of the    screen, the spaces in the text  are filled with funny charactersNope- I don't know why either.  But, if you do and you have a   cure, then drop me a line and   get `1 FREE credits from our PD library.  I think its just a    quirk from the clock and edit   routines merging with the font. The SPACE character should be   at 64248 to 64256.","`"
   1 "PRINTER"," ","Thanks to Stephen Mullen for theidea of a PRINT command to printpages out to your printer.  I'venow included a line which COPYs to the ZX Printer, but if your  printer is different, put your  relevant line to copy the screento printr in line 1019","","If you have to add machine code,then Alchnews code starts at    63999 and is 1145 bytes long,   so try and fit it between the   end of BASIC and there.","`"
   1 "PRINT ROUTINES"," ","If you look around, you will    find plenty of them.  The most  common are 64 column ones. Thereare even a couple in Alchemist  PD. Owners of AlchNews 1 will   see a 42 column one used there. In fact, that could produce 16, 32, and 42 columns.  I also havea 128k only 42 col. print       routine. Most 40/42 printers    have the BBC font, available    from APD.  There's also a       proportional print routine,     which sets the spacing between  letters, so you could only have 32 M's on a line, but 128 i's!",";","`"
   1 "PRICES"," ","
   1 "PD PROGS WANTED"," ","If you send us any PD programs  we will offer two of ours back  on your tape FREE.  Just send   your contribution on a tape withSAE and your preference of two  programs.  But, PLEASE don't    send us crappy","
   1 "Our Address"," ","Please mark the top of your     letter for the relevant         department. Eg: AlchNews, APD","","
   1 "Next Issue"," ","We HOPE to have some work from  our own Mystic Dweller, Alec    Carswell, who is busy with      Adventure Link and his other    projects.  Until I hear from himagain, the position for a       Adventure editor/writer is OPEN.Just write to me and you can    have the job.","`"
   1 "New Entries"," ","Some new entries into APD are asfollows...","
   1 "NEXT ISSUE"," ","The next issue is scheduled for 
   1 "NEW RELEASES"," ","you must simply travel to some  far flung planet, rescue a few  hostages and a professor who hasbeen kidnapped by a dastardly   emporer while destroying the    enemy- simple! The whole game's well put together and is a stealat this cheap price.
   1 "NEW RELEASES"," ","The new products are coming fromthe people who produce budget orre-releases. This means that a  lot of good games are available at a low price
   1 "NEW RELEASES"," ","Basically, there is nothing thatthis game offers you that the   others cannot. Granted, it is byno means the worst manager game but others have done it better. I suppose if you do not own one this is as good as many, but howmany people don't own one?",";","`"
   1 "NEW RELEASES"," ","
   1 "Multiface Matters"," ","Not much for the multiface a    lately.  The only big news is   that Multifaces are cheap.  If  you don't own one then I urge   you to get one while you can!","
   1 "More Ways To Sell"," ","
   1 "MINUTE (0-59)? ";G:
   1 "INPUT"," ","If you have ANY tips or hints   for Quill, GAC, Illustrator or  PAW then please send them in so I can send them on to Romania   as they are mad on pokes and    tips.  I think that when they   get a new game over there, they all go to the computer club and mass hack it!  We had a pro-    gressive history of games and   loaders, they have recieved it  in no order. From hyperloads to LOAD~~CODE!","`"
   1 "How to get in touch"," ","Romanians are very big on       computer clubs and very mature, even the young teens!  So if youlike mature computer penpals I'dstrongly recommend a Romanian!  I'm currently lining up a       contract to bring some East     European software in to publish over here.  If you want a       Romanian contact, send an SAE   to my usual address and I'll    give full details.","`"
   1 "HOUR (1-12)? ";G:
   1 "GAMES NEWS"," ","There is good news, however in  the shape of 
   1 "GAMES NEWS"," ","So, if you think you've written the next blockbuster, why not   drop Robert a line at-","
   1 "GAMES NEWS"," ","
   1 "Features of Alchnews"," ","Built into Alchnews is a small  suite of utilities which can be easily grabbed for your own use.The next few pages tell you     exactly where they are and how  to use them...","","
   1 "FRONT ENDS"," ","102  Built in Features","","103  Clock & Font","","104  Edit Routine","","105  Copy to Printer Routine","","106  AlchNews on Disk","","107  Alchemist DLS","","108  Encoder / Decoder Program","","109  Our Address","`"
   1 "FOR SALE"," ","Magic Button Devices.  Plug into128 keypad port.  Feature on/offswitch, power on light,two inputdevices (LDR,switch,Infra) and  two output devices (lamp, meter,buzzer).  Costs around `10 to   build.  Buy ready built or kit  form for `8 from the address on page 109.  Custom built devices also.  Write for details.","","Device can be INTERRUPT DRIVEN  to act like a multface. Also    accessed by simple Basic OUT    calls.  Works in 48 & 128 modes.USES NO MEMORY!","`"
   1 "END"," ","Well, thats all again for this  issue.  It's a shame we've been reduced to 60 pages, but becauseof lack of support, theres no   contributions to fill up the    extra pages. If you would like  your own section, then write to us.  It's a great addition to a CV, saying that you're a writer!","","
   1 "ENCODER / DECODER"," ","
   1 "EDIT"," ","
   1 "DOOMSDAY"," ","Next Time I'll be doing an in   depth feature on Doomsday, the  chilling futuristic adventure   for the 128k Spectrum by QUEST  SOFTWARE.  It will also feature an interview with the author andDavid Ledbury of QUEST.","Not to be missed!","`"
   1 "DOOMSDAY SPECIAL"," ","Next time, the adventure sectionwill feature a special on the   teriffic game, Doomsday from    Quest Software.  More details   on page 139.","`"
   1 "DIALSOFT"," ","Still available from us is      
   1 "DATA ENTRY & IDEAS"," ","Don't forget, if you don't own  an adventure creator or have    no idea how it works then you   can supply the map, plot and    ideas of a game and we can inputit for you and save you the     trouble.  We can also market    the finished product (see p125).","","
   1 "Coping With GAC"," ","When I recieved a letter from   
   1 "COMING SOON"," ","In future columns, I hope to be able to review some homegrown   software written by enthusiasts.This time, the game reviews werebrief but I promise they shall  get longer. I just need some newreleases to review that aren't  aimed at young kids! If you havewritten a game then please send me the details at the main A.N. address. This also applies to   any game news or reader reviews.I hope to read your reviews soonso get writing!","
   1 "CLOCK"," ","The clock is at 63999 and is 248bytes longs.  It is called by   RAND USR 64001 and is 48k mode  only as it's interrupt driven.","","
   1 "Buying British"," ", "As I stated earlier, the due to the exchange rate, my guess is  that it is only profitable for  Romania to export in Spectrum   data.  If 685 lei is 100p and a 30 page magazine costs about 10pthen surely a weekly wage is    small.  Anyway, Ive given the   address of Gilsoft to hobBIT,   so hopefully GAC will be        abandoned in favour of Quill or PAW and look forward to some    good software coming this way!","`"
   1 "Begging Bowl!"," ",  "If you have Quill, Illustrator  or PAW and you don't want it,   then it would be a great idea tosend it off to Romania.  I don'tknow what the copyright         situation is over there, but if it's anything like the Unified  States (USSR) then it's legal tocopy anything.  So one copy of  Quill could be in thousands of  Bucharest homes!  I have sent   off a PD Quill program to them  to show how good a Quilled game can be!","`"
   1 "Back To Me"," ","Many Thanks to Stephen for the  reviews.  He, as well as all theother contributors gets access  to the Alchemist PD Library for his troubles.  Hopefully, if I  get the stuff back in time, I'llfill Stephen's hands with lots  of games and programs from      Romania, most of which will be  free or available very cheaply  from us at the usual address.   Maybe we could even fob Y.S. offwith some rubbish we don't want!","`"
   1 "Adverts & Contacts"," ","
   1 "ALCHVENTURES"," ",  "
   1 "ALCHNEWS5"
   1 "ALCHNEWS ON DISK"," ","
   1 "ALCHNEWS AUTUMN 1992"," ","100  
   1 "ALCHEMIST PD"," ","
   1 "ALCHEMIST INTO EUROPE"," ","Over the past six days, I had   had no fewer than SIX letters   from Romania, all in Bucharest  to be precise!  The letters wereall in perfect English, and the jewel in the crown of them all  was a magazine called 
   1 "ALCHEMIST DLS"," ",  "Last year I started writing a   new, simple to use, front end   menu system for any disk syntax.Well, last week I dug out the   program and modified it and     generally souped it up.  It     allows you to put in filenames  and loading names onto the menu and features many extras.  It's available for `1 from me or sendan SAE and tape for a demo.  Theutilties section resembles the  multiface operation and featuresdouble height text and a font!","`"
   1 "ADVENTURE LINK"," ","From the brain of Doctor Dark   (who should work for me more!)  comes the tapezine, A.L.  It    features, news, info, letters,  competitions and reviews in the original Doctor Dark Experience!Last price was `1 but write and check beforehand to:","","
   1 ","rubbish, or don'r expect your   tape back! Send your programs   to
   1 ","One such example is 
   1 ","Another, but originalnew budget release is 
   1 ","Also newly rehashed is 
   1 ","","This is at 64248 and is 768     bytes long. To show, POKE 23606 ,248 and POKE 23607,249","`"
   1 ","","Send in your work to us at the  address on page 109, marked     ADVENTURE.","`"
   1 ","","Prize of `1 credit for ALCHEMISTPD to the best explaination of  what key 
   1 "** ALCHEMIST RESEARCH **"," ","In a nutshell:","","
   1 "","^","   PRESS ~ENTER~ AGAIN PLEASE.","`"
   1  whose    address is in the contacts area.
   1  who   wanted to buy 
   1  which is      disassembling the Multiface 1   loader, whih must have been     smuggled in via a copy of a gamefrom over here!",";","`"
   1  or write to the address on page 109","","Microdrive & Interface One      wanted working.  Ring 
   1  or write to      
   1  my PD programsbut sadly forgot to enclose any money!  Ho Ho, sorry Alec, but  I'm not THAT cabbage looking!   Also, thanks for the takeover   bid, I'll look into it VERY     carefully.","`"
   1  does in AlchNews!  Winner and explaination next    issue! (Dec. 1st)","`"
   1  costs  70L- about 10p!!!",";","`"
   1  at the   address on page 109.","`"
   1  and he told me   that GAC was the only known     creator program in Romania, I   was shocked!  I began to tell   him about Quill and PAW and all our other creator like LASER    BASIC, Scope2 etc.  No          disrespect to Incentive Softwarebut GAC is showing it's age and nowadays, text only adventures  are most common now, and the    best text processor is Quill or PAW",";","`"
   1  and from now on, all   issues will probabally tri-     monthly until support rises     considerably to make is monthly or bi-monthly.  Please Could allcontributors have their         submissions in for 
   1  Want to RUN this section?","
   1  Tips & Hints wanted","
   1  Services Offered","
   1  PD. Send it in to our PD     libraryand reciev two free      programs in return.","","
   1  Malcolm Gent 
   1  FULL SALE.  Send it to us    and we'll advertise it FREE in  Alchnews and review it as well  as sending out information and/ or demos to all our customers   and contacts ALL OVER EUROPE.   We can help sell it or you can  deal with that yourself. We can help you arrange a price or you can set your own price.
   1  Coping with GAC","
   1  Buying British","
   1  Adventure Link","
   1  1   Composite PAL         1.2V  2   0 volts                -    3   bright                TTL   4   composite sync        TTL   5   vertical sync         TTL   6   Green                 TTL   7   Red                   TTL   8   Blue                  TTL
   1   and the hobBIT magazine is the  best i've seen since the ZX magsover here turned sour.",";","`"
   1   Wanted","
   1   Spectrum Video","
   1   Spectrum Video (2)","
   1   Spectrum Software Hire","
   1   Spectrum B.B.","
   1   Next Issue & Competition","
   1   Monitor Socket Wiring","
   1   For Sale","
   1   Alchemist Research","
   1   Advance one page","
   1   ** "; 65536
   1      ALCHNEWS AUTUMN 1992       n
   1       with A.R.","
   1          COMPETITION!           
   1              FONT.